Books and Creativity Camille DeAngelis Books and Creativity Camille DeAngelis

Ego management, 2024 edition

Hard to believe it’s going on eight years since I published Life Without Envy! I made a couple LWE-themed videos as part of my “office hours” series—Ego management 2021 update and Ego management update: 2006 v. 2021—but since I’m on a long-term break from YouTube/Instagram, I’m posting a 2024 edition here instead.

I don’t need to “show them.”

As an aspiring novelist, one of the variations on the “making it” fantasy was that everyone who had ever expressed any doubt, disdain, or disinterest—professors, classmates, former friends and boyfriends—would spot my hardcover on the new releases table at their favorite bookstore and feel a complicated mixture of admiration and regret. To be fair to my (ahem, very self absorbed and rather arrogant) younger self, these sorts of daydreams aren’t only a manifestation of the ego—they are very useful as fuel for our earliest efforts. And over time, of course, we find healthy real-life ways of satisfying our hunger for validation.

A year or two ago now, snuggled up reading before bedtime, it occurred to me that I couldn’t care less if Professor Sullivan had ever noticed my book at Barnes & Noble, or if this or that ex had spotted the trailer for Bones and All—that I hadn’t cared for a very long time now. What did it matter if So-and-So or What’s-His-Name never thought of me again, given that we were long since mutually irrelevant? And I took brief, quiet, but genuine pleasure in that.

I’ve unhitched professional recognition from overall life contentment.

Speaking of my career prospects with friends circa 2021, I’d say, “This film could be a catapult or it could be the pinnacle, and I’ll be happy either way.” Sometimes my friends reacted with surprise, “of course it’s going to be a catapult!” and so on. And sure, I still occasionally daydream about finding my (as yet unfinished) time-travel novel with a staff-pick shelf-talker in an indie bookshop, and seeing it eventually adapted for television. But what fuels me now is a desire to do my very best work, to write fiction that is thematically and emotionally resonant and nonfiction that is helpful and heartening. [Is my blog helpful and heartening?? I really hope you find it so!] That’s always been the desire, but it feels much more concentrated now.

I do not want to be a “public figure.”

Far and away the most enjoyable parts of the Venice Film Festival in August 2022 were the quiet moments of connection—walking with Screenwriter Dave down the narrow stone passageways off the Piazza San Marco chatting about our respective future projects, and meeting up with Francesca for tea at the hotel the morning after the premiere. I saw and was seen in a way that felt authentic.

My brief vantage point at an epicenter of celebrity culture made me uneasy. To be frank about it, I think a lot of folks channel much too much of their own generative energy into adoration of famous creatives. Admire their talent, hard work, and dedication, sure. Then let their work inspire you to fall in love with your potential, to revel in your own creative power. That’s the only way parasocial relationships can be good for us.

As I said to my partner: “I just want to live a rich private life.” Which, of course, I have been doing all along.

All-vegan night at our favorite restaurant!

Expectations are (primarily) self imposed.

It’s taking me years to finish this new novel, and I have to remind myself every other day that it is ABSOLUTELY FINE that I’m still figuring out how to write it. In the publishing industry there is a poop-ton of toxic messaging around how, and how long, we all “should” be working, and how frequently we “should” be producing new work, and knowing it’s toxic doesn’t inoculate you. (Would that it did!) Last year I asked my agent for a Zoom catchup, just to tell her I’m still at it and that everything’s okay mental-healthwise. “You’re the one who talked about there being a ‘window of opportunity’ with the movie coming out,” she said. “I’m not over here tapping my foot. You take as long as you need.” 

Truth be told, there is a little bit of ego tied up in these self-imposed expectations—a desire to remain culturally relevant, perhaps? 

Yup. That feels at least 60% accurate. 😬

I’ve learned JUST! SO! MUCH! in these last eight years that I really hope I’ll get the opportunity to do a revised-and-expanded edition of Life Without Envy someday. Did any of these resonate with you? Do please leave a comment!

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Books and Creativity Camille DeAngelis Books and Creativity Camille DeAngelis

The aspirational lightness of being, part 4

Last September I came down with a nasty mystery illness that lasted for eight days, and for various logistical reasons, no one was available to “minister to” me (LOLsob). On the third night I lay in the dark in a disgustingly sweat-sodden tangle of sheets, shivering violently even as my skin felt hot as a furnace, and it occurred to me that if I died, my sister (upon her return from a business trip) would have to sort through my mess. In the moment, of course, this thought seemed only a teensy bit melodramatic. I like to joke that I’m a stereotypical Scorpio—skipping blithely through life unafraid of death—but that night I had to call myself on my own BS: 

I was scared.

A few weeks later, I found myself in the strange, sad position of sorting through the belongings of a friend who had passed away. My friend was a sweet and loving presence in my life, but he definitely did not “have his affairs in order.” The experience of going through his things—and not being able to find what his family needed (keys, will, etc.) within a reasonable length of time—threw the problem of clutter (both personal and professional) into even sharper relief for me.

If you click on the “aspirational minimalism” blog tag, you’ll see just how long I’ve been talking about wanting to be the sort of person who doesn’t feel like she’s constantly flailing amid waist-high piles of novel notes, books, and craft supplies. In my twenties and thirties, tidying was a seemingly simple matter of practicality and mental health. Work-wise, I figured the best I could realistically strive for was a state of functional chaos. (“You’re publishing another book? Well then, you must be organized enough!”) Now that I am technically “middle aged” (not really, but…kinda?!), there’s a newfound desire to, y’know…end well, insofar as such things are possible. This is why I am a little bit obsessed with The Gentle Art of Swedish Death Cleaning (both the book and the streaming series), the point of which is very easy to distill into one sentence:

Dispense with your excess stuff NOW so your loved ones don’t have to deal with it when you’re dead.

If I am ever hit by a crosstown bus, here is a sampling of what my sister will have to trash, shred, or re-distribute via Freecycle:

  • A bin of unsorted project notes and smaller caches of scrap paper and post-its (usually tucked into birthday-card envelopes).

  • Another box containing medical and financial documents in no order whatsoever.

  • Unfinished knitting and sewing projects going back eight-plus years. 

  • A trash bag’s worth of teeny fabric and yarn scraps intended for throw-pillow stuffing.

  • At the bottom of a stack of blank greeting cards, an international-Forever-stamped Christmas card I addressed to my friends Shelley and James in 2017 and have forgotten to mail every year since.

  • Broken doodads (Christmas ornaments, magnets, coasters) I’d intended to super-glue back together.

My space is fully functional; the mess could be a LOT worse. But I feel low-key shame about my many projects in limbo, my paper bins and catch-all bags, and shame is not a friend to creativity. Also, I am moving house later this year, so there’s never been a better time to deal with my shtuff.

The trickster side of my brain reads these labels as SORDID and UNSORDID.

I intend to keep writing publicly about my clutter because I would love to see more creative folks being candid about how we (attempt to) stay on top of our material, and because it seems to me that tidying advice for a general audience only half-applies to our situation. If I were a different sort of person—someone who didn’t operate at “an intense level of creativity” (to quote my therapist), with all the scribbling notes for future novels, the home library (because all writers are readers, and I like to make notes in my books), casting on for a new sweater and starting yet another quilt project for my best friend’s wedding gift, and indulging the urge to save every last bit of paper my niece has ever drawn on (which is even stronger now that she can write her name!), and the gardening and furniture-refinishing supplies in the back room, and let’s not forget my watercolor pencil set on the shelf in the closet and those chocolate molds at the bottom of the bottom kitchen drawer—it would be exponentially easier to keep a tidy house. That low-key shame is compounded by the irony that my creativity is inhibiting itself.

Do I wish I were the sort of person who doesn’t itch to make (and re-make) things, or that I could “tone down” these natural impulses? Of course not. It’s just that something at some step in my creative process is in need of tweaking.

Here’s the thing I didn’t quite understand yet, back when I was blogging about decluttering in 2015: 

When we live in a state of creative possibility, dross is inevitable.

False starts, dead ends, and poop-outs aren’t evidence of our failures, they’re an ***occupational certainty.***

If you’ve been following my blog revival of late (thank you, friend!), you will have noticed a theme of setting healthier boundaries with oneself. The boundary here is: I must identify and dispose of the dross (recycle the outdated notes, frog the half-finished sweater and Freecycle the yarn, etc.) so I can focus on the projects I AM going to finish. DO THE THING, not just talk or blog about it, and go on identifying and responsibly-disposing-of on a consistent basis.

I Freecycled ALL! THIS! FABRIC! (and yarn!) before my move to D.C. in 2020. I low-key regret getting rid of a couple remnants in this photo, but it’s not as if I’d’ve used them in the intervening years. It was the right call.

Two more truths we arty folk could discuss more candidly:

1. Creative follow-through is all in the decision making: THIS book project, not THAT one. THIS pattern, not THAT one. Yellow, NOT blue. Which means that if you spend years deferring the choices that make you squirm, you could wind up smothered by your own potential. (Psychologically. Maybe literally, if you have that much yarn.)

2. It’s very hard not to look at an unfinished project in terms of the hours (and dollars) we’ve “wasted” on it, which means that the sunk-cost fallacy keeps us “persevering” when we ought to quit and pivot. If nothing else, it costs us energetically to spend years intending to finish something. This is how one ends up with a closetful of UFOs. (“UnFinished objects.” Not nearly as interesting, I know.)

It is the practice of a mature artist (a mature human!) to face her limits—24 hours in a day, 365* days in a year, an inescapable (if unreadable) countdown clock—and make decisions accordingly.

So over the next year, I intend to share my progress in posts on the following subtopics:

  • How I prioritized my list of knitting, sewing, and mending projects using Google Sheets and arranged my time in order to, y’know, actually finish them! (along with notes on overcoming the sunk-cost effect)

  • Re-organizing my supplies and UFOs for ease of worst-case-scenario donate-ability, storing like with like instead of a half dozen mixed-up bins (I’m going to call that post “The Awkward Art of Swedish Death Crafting.” Subtitle: “YOU’RE WELCOME, KATE!” 🤪) 

  • Figuring out a new approach to processing paper so I actually follow through this time (…maybe?!?), and using Victoria Nelson’s adage about creative discipline (that it arises naturally out of honoring your deepest preferences) to figure out a note-taking and -sorting protocol I can stick with (understanding that I am and probably always will be an analog kind of girl, and am therefore not in the market for a tablet, app, etc.)

  • Organizing my writer’s archive [hopefully that sounds less pretentious than “literary papers”], part 1 (analog)

  • Organizing my writer’s archive, part 2 (digital)

  • Rethinking the home library, part 2: MOVING DAY! (how my “read and release” initiative turned out)

Rereading those “aspirational minimalism” posts from 2015, I’m tempted to sigh at the person who wrote, You gotta release everything that's over and done with to make space for all the exciting new stuff that's waiting to come into your life, or My new strategy is to bring all that stuff to the Writers' Room, parcel it into manageable chunks and go through one stack at the beginning or end of each writing session. We'll see how that goes. Spoiler: it didn’t!

On the other hand, the home-workspace photos I posted back then prove to me that, for the most part, I am tidier than I used to be. It’s also a lot easier to cut myself some slack for being a flawed and sometimes-flighty earthling. Nothing bad is going to happen if I don’t manage to clear out any of that paper, or only a few folders’ worth, before my next move. The most self-compassionate approach is to say that if I can share something here that someone else finds motivational or otherwise useful, I’ll consider this latest go-around at least a partial success.

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Books and Creativity Camille DeAngelis Books and Creativity Camille DeAngelis

Rethinking the home library

Books come alive only in the act of reading them. That’s the overlooked everyday magic of what reading is, which is that [books] are inert, in some ways they literally don’t exist on the shelf when their pages are closed. It’s only when a mind is applied to the act of reading that the story comes to life.

Ray Nayler

(Ideally I’d have no books on top.)

Like every other nerd on social media, I used to drool over photos of sprawling home libraries. A library is (usually) a safe space in which to learn about pretty much anything you want, in your own time and on your own terms, and when it’s your very own collection—infused with all the complexities of identity and curiosity and ambition and belonging, curated and arranged according to your own intellectual priorities and aesthetic principles—it becomes rather difficult to look at your collection with any measure of objectivity. Yet in this post I shall attempt it!

Here is the squirmy truth, which applies to my yarn and fabric stashes almost as much as my books: the rate at which I acquire is substantially faster than the rate at which I consume. This is probably true for most of us, eh? Our shopping patterns result in a compounding accumulation of objects we are not using for their intended purpose. When I lived at home my mother used to joke about the ceiling caving in, but this is not as funny as it used to be. My overflow—often-teetering piles on the top surface of all but one of the four bookshelves in my apartment—is a source of anxiety. I don’t want to live out my last years entombed amid dusty piles of books, 97% of which I never got around to reading. I never ask myself, “Will I actually get around to reading this new book before I die?” as I stand at the counter of one of DC’s many wonderful indie bookshops. But maybe I should.

Lately I’ve been thinking of my collection in a new way. I am telling myself that my books do not truly belong to me, I’m just keeping them neat and dry until it’s time for them to move on to their next reader. Reconceptualizing my home library as an evolving organism has made it much easier to let go of books I got for free when I worked at HarperCollins (that was TWENTY YEARS AGO, people!), useful books (reference, cookbooks, knitting pattern collections, etc.) I have never actually used, and books I’d been holding onto only because I have warm feelings for the people who gave them to me.

The solution is (and always has been) obvious: to avoid cluttered bookshelves, I need to read-and-release at a faster rate and/or winnow my collection before instituting a one-in-one-out policy. (Reading faster means reading more efficiently—turning the phone on silent before I chuck it onto another soft piece of furniture across the room. Side note: the other day a new friend told me about the Silent Book Club and I feel extra motivated to participate.)

How am I deciding which books to give away? Here are some questions I’ve been asking myself:

  1. Have I already read this book? Do I (realistically) think I will read or refer to it again?

  2. Do I feel obligated to go on intending to read this book? If so, why? Can I release myself from that “obligation”?

  3. If I give this book away and change my mind about it later, will it be difficult or expensive to replace?

  4. Does this book represent who I am (hopefully) growing into, or who I am growing out of?

  5. If I’m feeling resistance to parting ways with this book, can I put a generous time limit on it? Say, five or ten years from date of purchase?

  6. Can I listen to the audiobook instead? (More knitting/sewing time!)

It is also helping to consider what good a book might do if I release it. Take a book like The Hate U Give. Given the subject matter it feels wrong to write that I enjoyed it, so instead let’s say this novel deserves the recognition it has received. I am probably not going to read it a second time, however, and if I leave it on my shelf at home, there is zero chance of the ideal reader finding this particular copy in a Little Free Library at the absolute perfect time in their emotional and intellectual development. How miraculous that would be!, and even more wonderful for my never knowing that it happened.

So yes, that copy you see in the photo above—it used to be “mine.” If I change my mind about rereading it, I can always purchase another copy or make use of the public library. The White Goddess used to be “mine” too; it was a gift from a man I dated for three weeks almost ten years ago. If I ever want to, y’know, actually read this book, I can check it out of the library.

Here are more books that belonged to people I used to be:

  • Anne of Green Gables was my favorite novel as a teen. Now I feel melancholy when I think of those books because Anne gave up writing.

  • A gift from the parents of a boyfriend I had in my 20s. I was holding onto this partly for sentimental reasons and partly for Moon Ireland research, except I’m not writing for Moon Ireland anymore. I’ve had almost 16 years to dip into this book, but I never have.

  • A book I purchased at an Irish imports shop in Baltimore on an 8th-grade field trip and forgot on the charter bus. My dad followed the bus for a couple miles down the highway before we hit a red light and I could run to the front passenger door and get the driver’s attention. Again, haven’t ever done more than briefly dip into it.

  • The Camille who thought she’d read and review Bill Schutt’s history of cannibalism for a film promo post. Did she? Ha!

A book taking up space on my shelf for years and years, the spine never cracked? That’s a sunk-cost relationship. I may have moved house with it many times, even across the Atlantic. Carry it all this way, through breakups and so many other big life changes, only to leave it in a Little Free Library without ever having read it?! But when I started asking myself question #4, it was a lot easier to see a long-neglected book as an object deserving of a more enthusiastic caretaker.

A few more notes to self that are helping me let go:

If I never got around to reading this one for Petty Magic research, what makes me think I am EVER going to read it?

  • I have the space that I have, here and now, no more and no less. Once there are too many books to fit on my shelves, I don’t need another bookshelf, I need fewer books. (See the “container concept.”) I am not allowing myself to keep books in cardboard boxes in my closet to fill the shelves of a future Macksey-esque library.

  • Choosing to keep a book is often an instant yes or no, but it’s always worth gently re-examining an assumption that a book ought to stay “mine” to the very end.

  • I won’t let myself feel guilty for paying full price for a new book and later giving it away unread because I’ve realized I’m not going to read it in the next few years. If nothing else, I am supporting my own industry.

  • Fictionwise, two books out of three I’ll release after reading, even if the novel was written by a friend. If it stays on the shelf, it inspires and entertains no one else, only past-me. If I release it, I could introduce my friend’s work to a reader who will go on to purchase new copies of their other books.

  • I’m much more likely to hold onto nonfiction for future reference, be it for novel research or personal growth. Though once I’ve finished revising the manuscript in question, I will reassess.

  • With this new mindset, I’m much more likely to choose not to finish a book I’m not enjoying.

And how am I giving my books away? This is the fun part! I downloaded the Little Free Library app so I can make a game of locating LFLs, wondering if the next one on the map will have space for at least one deposit, and hopefully unloading all the books I’ve packed on the one-hour walk to my therapist’s office. It feels like a reverse scavenger hunt.

I must admit that there are two bins of books still in “purgatory”: 

1. books I want to take notes out of before donating (like cookbooks, self help, etc.)

2. Books that have been sitting on my shelves for years that I do still have a desire to read but am rather sure I’ll be ready to release afterward. Whatever I don’t make time to read before my next move, I will donate.

How do you manage your home library? Has your attitude about book collecting evolved over time? 📚

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Books and Creativity Camille DeAngelis Books and Creativity Camille DeAngelis

5 strategies for moving through “writer’s block”

It is not neurotic to sit at a desk all day devising an imaginary world. It is not even neurotic to sit all day at a desk trying to devise an imaginary world but not succeeding in doing so. What is neurotic is to hate oneself for doing or not doing either of these activities.

—Victoria Nelson

[This post is a follow-up to The art of the coddiwomple (or, “writer’s block” revisited).]

Drafting is joyful again, though it isn’t enough to feel relieved and grateful. I’ve been asking myself, What has helped? And why has it helped? How do you channel your creative energy while you’re waiting on that breakthrough? I’ve teased out several distinct practices and ways of being, which I have semi-consciously employed in tandem. Only one or two of these suggestions may resonate for you, so let’s just say the point is to keep close this one pure nugget of truth: 

It may look to all the world like you are “stuck,” but you are actually in DISCOVERY MODE.

Stay curious and reflective and you’ll come up with more than a few solid strategies of your own.

I’ve settled upon my own definition of discipline.

Counterintuitive as it may sound, thinking of myself first and foremost as a “soft animal body” (thank you, Mary Oliver!) has done a world of good for my creative discipline. When I talk to friends about Kate and Nancy’s excellent parenting of my nieces and nephew, I characterize their approaches as love and discipline in perfect balance, and that’s something we can employ in our relationships with ourselves too.

For example, I have often called myself “clumsy” out loud when I’ve dropped or knocked into something. The other night, when my boyfriend dropped something and reacted the same way, I said: “What if we promise we are not going to call ourselves clumsy anymore, no matter what?” He readily agreed.

The next morning, I bumped my elbow into a carton of blueberries, a handful of which went scattering across the kitchen floor. “Aha!” I cried. “I am not allowed to call myself clumsy!” Instead, we arranged the fallen blueberries into an arrow pointing toward the dog, who promptly gobbled them up. We got a good laugh out of it, and though I can’t quantify this, I feel sure I poured that positive feeling into my workweek, which has been extra productive and joyful. (Note to self: research the research on reparenting and creativity!)

What discipline is: 

  1. Setting an intention to do a certain type of work (drafting, revising, admin, etc.) at a certain time of day, for a certain length of time (or until I feel jangly-brained, which happens after two to four hours of drafting), with distractions minimized; and following through on that intention to the best of my ability.

  2. Setting reasonable boundaries with regard to my working conditions (see what I wrote in my last post about the DC Writers’ Room).

  3. Preparing for productive work sessions by either packing lunch and snacks for the day (which entails meal prep and grocery shopping) or deciding on a solid takeout option (read: good value and keeps me full for hours, like a Chipotle sofritas burrito) ahead of time.

Also discipline: A willingness to recognize when the work I planned to do isn’t actually the most effective or fulfilling work to be doing that day after all, and pivoting accordingly. Reaffirming the value of scratching.

What discipline is NOT:

  1. Inward name-calling or other forms of self-beratement. (No more “lazy” either!)

  2. Setting up an unnecessarily complicated productivity system that I will inevitably not adhere to for more than a day, leading us back to habit #1.

  3. Trying to adhere to a 9-5 Monday-Friday work schedule because that is what is understood and respected in this culture.

  4. Revising a manuscript from 10am to 11pm (or later) with very infrequent bathroom and meal breaks. (It may look like I am “working hard,” but it is certainly not healthy.) In general, being “so in flow” that I forget I have to pee.

All this amounts to setting healthier boundaries with oneself. Remember Victoria Nelson’s adage that creative discipline arises naturally out of one’s deepest preferences? Many of the most profoundly contented moments of my life occur at a desk in a shared space where silence is the rule, with a pile of notes and a thermos of Earl Grey. Those are my preferences. Notice what your preferences are and then do your best to live by them.

More than ever before, I am continually on the lookout for a reason to laugh.

I want to improve my comedic writing skills, and I want to get better at not taking things personally and taking myself less seriously in general. But the pursuit of these worthy goals isn’t what’s making a difference.

I believe this meme originated with Merry Blacksmith, but please feel free to correct me.

I figured out pretty early on that as a creative person, it is critical to surround yourself with folks who’ll only say “You’re so silly!” or “Man, are you WEIRD!” in a tone of astonished admiration. Admittedly these folks are rare birds, as clearly implied by the Apple Dictionary thesaurus:

Having friends who truly appreciate one’s quirks is necessary for the maintenance of one’s self esteem. Yet it hadn’t occurred to me that being in a relationship with someone who actually enjoys me randomly speaking in cartoon voices, and with whom nonsense song lyrics and groan-worthy puns are a secondary love language, could have such an amplifying effect on my creativity. No coincidence that the middle-grade novel I’m drafting right now is the funniest thing I’ve written (and that includes Petty Magic). Of course, part of this newfound facility with jokes and wordplay is the result of the foundational work of character development, but where do hilarious three-dimensional characters come from?

“Would you still love me if I was a worm?”

“Well, dear, that would all depend on whether the scenario owes more to Kafka or Rick Moranis…”

Or let me put it to you this way: how conducive are etiquette and convention to creativity? 

It doesn’t matter if it’s comedy in a more structured form or indulging one’s absurdist tendencies in private—it seems obvious, doesn’t it, that “silly people” are more likely to think thoughts no one else has ever thought before? (Okay, so we won’t ever know for sure—suffice to say it is possible.) Think of the jester of medieval legend, who was the only one allowed to point out the absurdities of the court. In this sense, to be “foolish” is to be wise.

So go ahead and rejig the lyrics to a cheesy ’80s power ballad on the fly. Sing at the top of your lungs. Giggle uncontrollably. Repeat. 

And see what happens next.

I have re-immersed myself in children’s lit.

Last Christmas I gave my niece a copy of Phoebe Wahl’s Little Witch Hazel, and we love it more every time we read it together. The summer chapter is the most thematically relevant for (most) grown-ups, but my favorite is the winter chapter, in which Hazel spends all day helping her neighbors (tending to wounds, caring for newborn bunnies, and so forth) in the shadow of an impending blizzard. I revel in the moment when Otis swoops down to gather a lost and tired Hazel up out of the snowy darkness, and I get to hoot like an owl.

When Heather visited last year I shared the book with her, and of course she saw right away how nourishing this book is for one’s inner children. In a recent newsletter she wrote, 

“As a child—okay, even now—I wanted to live at the base of a tree, with a rounded hobbit door. I'd wear felt slippers and sleep under quilts and live by candlelight, eating berries from my neighbors, the deer. Braided rugs under my feet, cups of hot cocoa, a roaring fireplace despite the fact that I live in a tree.” 

Heather surprised me with this Little Witch Hazel print for my birthday! (Photo by Jason.)

The material comforts and aesthetic pleasures of such a fantasy life are actually about cultivating a sense of safety and belonging, whether the reader is four, a hundred and four, or anywhere in between. Cozy children’s lit puts us in the best possible head- and heart-space for creative renewal.

As for middle grade, I’ve listened to many old favorites on the Libby app, like Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of NIMH, The Egypt Game, and The Wonderful Wizard of Oz (the version narrated by Brooke Shields). I finally “read” Howl’s Moving Castle—I did not enjoy it as much as I expected to, although I will certainly be reading more Diana Wynne Jones—and I can also recommend the audio versions of Karen Cushman’s The Midwife’s Apprentice and Catherine Gilbert Murdock’s Da Vinci’s Cat (her Newbery-honored The Book of Boy is one of my all-time favorite middle-grade novels).

In general, when you’re feeling creatively pinched it’s one of the wisest things you can do to immerse yourself in categories and genres you wouldn’t normally read. Little Free Libraries are the perfect resource for serendipitized book selections! (More on LFL in a future post on systematically “redistributing” my home library.)

I have analyzed the narrative structure of novels (and films) I remember fondly.

I’d been wanting to reread my favorite Neil Gaiman novel, and it turns out the plot of Neverwhere corresponds quite neatly to the 15-beat Save the Cat! formula apart from the transposition of beats #11 and #12 (“All is Lost” and “Dark Night of the Soul”). This makes sense given that Save the Cat! is largely (if arguably) a distillation of industry conventions, and that Gaiman conceived of Neverwhere as a television mini-series and novelized it in the midst of the scriptwriting process. Richard’s misadventure in Neverwhere maps even more neatly onto the Heroine’s Journey, since his descent into the underworld is a literal one, and he makes it through his ordeal with help from a cast of newfound trickster-frenemies who eventually become true friends. (There’s more, but in case you haven’t read this novel yet I don’t want to spoil it for you.)

I enjoyed this exercise so much that I want to make this an official (if occasional) practice. Once Rebecca Roanhorse’s Black Sun trilogy is complete (June of this year!!), I plan to analyze the overarching plot strands Book-Architecture-style, though realistically I may not finish this exercise before 2025. (Please leave a comment if this is something you’d find helpful to have in PDF format inside my resource library!)

Depending on the novel (or film) you choose, a closer reading can open up many more fruitful avenues of learning. I gained a whole new level of enjoyment (and more to the point: writerly insight) in reading this feminist essay by Belle Waring on the hidden narrator of Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell, for instance, and from a fascinating film studies dissertation analyzing the 12-beat story structure Frank Capra used in several of his best-known films. (Thank you, Brian Geoffrey Rose!) 

I practice “selfish creativity.”

“Going pro” means that nothing you write is purely for your own satisfaction. Even lines from my private writing tend to worm their way into my novels. (Yes, I want to see how many times I can drop a “worm” in this blog post.) Have I ever promised myself I’d write a story “just for me” without thinking at least fleetingly about eventually publishing it? 


With all my talk of creative cross-pollination [here’s a YouTube link from 2021], I’ve been dancing around this concept for a long time now. “Selfish creativity” refers to a creative practice that IS solely for your own delight and satisfaction. It’s not something you’re secretly hoping to make a living at someday, or something you feel like you “should” be “into,” like baking focaccia because everybody else is (apparently) doing it. It’s something you do because it makes you feel radiantly happy to be alive.

(The first thing that popped into your head when you read that last sentence? That’s probably it.)

Since I was a little girl I’ve wanted to sleep under a quilt I sewed for myself. For a long time, I made quilts and gave them away. Often the same with my knitting. I’ve been talking in therapy about my tendency to overgive, so designing (and finishing!) things for my own home and person has become a therapeutic exercise as well.

Working on this project (the pattern is “Minnie Stars” from Quiltfolk) in the midst of “writer’s block” has allowed me to feel much more serene about the situation than I would have otherwise. Because how could I berate myself for not being creative enough when something so colorful and comforting was taking shape under my own two hands?

It’s taking forever to quilt it by hand, and I’m okay with that. I’ve bound it so I can use it on the bed now, and will finish the handiwork next summer (…perhaps? I’ve got a bunch more projects waiting!)

Do you know how good it feels to fall asleep all warm and snuggly on a cold winter’s night, under something you made?

Maybe quilting’s not your thing—it could be something else. But find and do the thing that gives you the shimmers, and watch how it changes your writing practice (not to mention your inner monologue).

I’m going to save a discussion of private writing specifically for moving through “block,” and how best to approach writing about your writing, for a subsequent post, because I know not everyone has the time to settle in for 4,000+ words.

Let me know if you have tried, or intend to try, any of these strategies—and how it’s worked out for you! 🪱

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Books and Creativity Camille DeAngelis Books and Creativity Camille DeAngelis

The art of the coddiwomple (or, “writer’s block” revisited)

Properly interpreted, a block is the best thing that can happen to a writer.

Victoria Nelson

Recently my boyfriend suggested we spend part of a Saturday afternoon at a Friends of the Library book sale. Let me loose in a large roomful of secondhand books and will I meander happily, contenting myself with whatever treasures I stumble upon, like a normal person? Of course not. I convince myself that there is ONE book in this room that, the MOMENT I crack the spine, will make me feel as though the author thrust it out into the world ESPECIALLY for ME. 

After awhile, I found myself in the self-help section. Of course I did.

I spotted a book on writer’s block. That was the title, actually: On Writer’s Block: A New Approach to Creativity. Early-to-mid ’90s, to judge by the cover. Victoria Nelson.

I opened to a page at random:

A chapter title that reads "Notes and Plans That Refuse to Make a Book."

I have never felt so seen by a book in my entire life. 

In late October 2022, I sent my agent a 360-page partial manuscript. (Yes, partial. It was supposed to be the first third. LOLsob.) In early December my agent emailed me her notes, pointing out (with her customary diplomacy) that this new work lacked a taut narrative through-line. It had no through line, in fact. I’d written some of the best prose of my career thus far, AND YET the pages I had given her amounted to a free-wheeling grab-bag o’ chaos.

I have spent this past year working out how to fix my plot. I’ve remembered my beginner’s mind, gobbling up craft books, essays, and workshop videos on narrative structure. I’ve read for research. I’ve taken several breaks to begin developing other novel ideas. I wrote fragments of scenes I felt certain belonged in the new draft. But for the first time in a very long time, flow was elusive. In A Bright Clean Mind I wrote about the powerful rush of ideas I received right after I chose to become an ethical vegan in the spring of 2011, and though I still believe that what we eat can exacerbate our anxiety, I now know it can’t be as simple as that. Because after twelve years of “easy” purely-plant-fueled click-click-click novel-writing, I had to admit that I was “blocked” again.

The situation is unprecedented. In the old days (2002--2011), my “block” would manifest in a very particular pattern of multiple false starts in between viable novel projects, which I called “trough periods,” and I never wrote more than fifty or eighty pages of a novel I would later abandon. This time I am hundreds of pages into the novel in question, the time-travel screwball dramedy that’s been in the works for over fifteen years. Leaving a novel idea on my mental back burner was my tried-and-true M.O. for a long, long time. After a few months’ “marination,” for example, the whole plot of Mary Modern slotted itself into place in a single instant, double love triangle, twist, and all. If I didn’t know what was going to happen next I would write my way into the answer, but that hasn’t happened this time. Earlier this year I read a ghost story set at the Winchester Mystery House, and I LOLsobbed at the description of the “staircase to nowhere.” Some days that’s exactly what working on this book has felt like.

Connie Willis, who is one of my favorite writers, said in a 2021 interview, “Early on, I thought, someday soon I’ll figure this out and then writing will be a breeze, but that’s never happened. Every story and novel has a whole different set of things you need to learn how to do. It’s like you’re starting from scratch every time.” I thought I knew how to plot a novel, but to be precise about it, I knew how to plot Mary Modern, and Petty Magic, and so on. With the time-travel novel, I am (almost) starting from zero.

Most advice I hear or read about “writer’s block” identifies fear as the root cause. This is either so obvious as to be completely unhelpful, or in my case, only like 3.5% accurate. I’ve written about so-called “block” on the blog before, but I tailored that advice (still valid, I think) for beginners. Comparing myself to other writers hasn’t been an issue for me for a long time now, and I can catch myself whenever I’m on the verge of trying too hard. The concerns and underlying conditions are (for the most part) quite different when you’re twenty-five years in.

So here is a distillation of the lessons of the past year—a run-down of the practices, attitude adjustments, and pertinent reminders that have actually helped—with some beautifully-worded assistance from my new friend Victoria Nelson, whose book, in a kinder world, would still be in print.

Self-flagellation never (EVER!!!) leads to the desired outcome.

[M]aking art isn’t in every case an act superior to not making art. That belief comes out of the same production-quota mentality that most writers adopt at any moment in their lives when they are not actually producing something.

Why do we conflate discipline and punishment? The usual perpetrators—Puritans and capitalists—but you’ve already heard that rant, so I’ll just say it’s a tendency that warrants continual observation. Nelson writes that discipline arises naturally out of honoring one’s deepest preferences, which is an elegant way to reframe such an unjustly tarnished concept. 

Some authors write three to five (or more) novels per year and say they never experience block. They’re probably telling the truth. But the sort of writing they do draws upon a rather different skill set.

You will be so busy calling yourself unprofessional that you will not be able to hear the lower-pitched inner voice that is attempting to explain the real problem.

Once I become aware of my inner-monologuing about being a professional and professionals doing the work no matter what and why can’t I GET! IT! DONE! when I have literally no other responsibilities, I label this self-directed trash-talk as problematizing, then ask myself: what is the flawed premise underneath this pointless gnashing of teeth? Here is what I needed to remember:

1. Met or exceeded, a daily wordcount protects us—we believe it protects us—against all those old insecurities, the I’ll never be good enough and the who the hell do I think I am. A wordcount legitimizes—again, seems to legitimize—not just our efforts, but our very conception of self. Writers write, right? I used to share Bukowski’s poem “air and light and time and space” with my workshop students, but now I have to wonder if the message isn’t halfway toxic. Not every reason is an excuse, and an intuitive writer can instantly tell one from the other. Raising three kids on welfare is actually a TERRIFIC excuse, ya know?! For the hypothetical aspiring-writer/mom living on public assistance, that is the season she’s in.

2. As embarrassing as it is to have to admit this, there is a part of me that is still smarting at my jerk flatmate back in 2008 making a shitty comment about my hanging around the house all day. (When I offered to show him my books, he declined.) I moved out of that apartment as soon as was feasible, and yet that aggressively unimaginative individual is still living rent free in some dank little broom closet in my brain.

Someone who is not a writer will probably not understand that the work of writing often does not involve the act of writing. Notice that I did not choose the word “sometimes”—I chose “OFTEN” because that has been my experience from day one. I’ve joked that writers are always working and never working, and I still think that’s pretty accurate. I just need to remember that in this context, “never working” means “writing is usually enjoyable,” although it’s not a problem when it’s not, and “always working” means “I get many of my best ideas while I’m doing the dishes.” Therefore, doing the dishes counts towards work-time logged. (Not that I’m keeping a spreadsheet.)

So like I said, the Rx for me here is to recognize—not “fix,” just notice—my cultural programming around what does and doesn’t look like work from the outside.

Even when things are going swimmingly, the desired outcome ALWAYS takes longer than you expect, so either adjust your expectations accordingly or chuck them altogether.

Your long-term productivity will increase in direct proportion to the care and acceptance you lavish on your short-term silences.

In a 2014 interview Connie Willis said, “My two-volume novel BLACKOUT/ALL CLEAR took eight years to write, DOOMSDAY BOOK took five, TO SAY NOTHING OF THE DOG four. But that doesn’t tell the whole story. Every story basically takes your whole career to write, both in the skills you acquire and where the stuff comes from that the stories are about.” Skills take years to sharpen. Research can take a long time too. I like “short-term silence” formatted like so—“short*-term silence”—because a “short” period of time could be a week, a year, or a decade. It’s all relative, right? The only long-term silence is death. 

Also, I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: YOU ARE NOT A ROBOT.

To underscore another point I’ve already made:

“Scratching” counts as work.

This is the choreographer Twyla Tharp’s term for exploratory activity—some light research into whatever topic has stimulated your curiosity today, or reading in an unfamiliar genre, listening to music, or looking at other people’s art—that you engage in either before you’ve settled on your next project, or when you feel stuck. More broadly defined, scratching is anything you do in lieu of giving into despair. (Am I being facetious? Ask me again tomorrow.) 

For more on the concept of scratching, check out another blog post from my friend Heather. Also, the 2014 Connie Willis interview (here’s the link again) includes a scratching case study.

Treat yourself as a whole human being. You probably have needs that supersede your desire to feel productive.

The key to the dilemma lies not in any failure of will power—blocked writers tend to have more than their fair share of will—but in the relationship we have cultivated with our unconscious selves. This is the unpleasant moment when we learn that this invisible but inalienable inner kingdom runs on its own priorities—priorities that are not always or even often the same as those we hold consciously.

I found a new therapist at the beginning of this year, and my general outlook is so much clearer and brighter for our our twice-monthly sessions. She asks questions that draw dotted lines between my present habits and longstanding emotional patterns, leaving me space to develop the insights for myself. For instance, when she characterized my childhood creative practices as a “life vest”—“Who would you have been without your drawing and writing? What would have been your experience of life?”—it occurred to me that I couldn’t have called myself a happy child, and that I might very well have been diagnosed with depression. (As it was, I had some fairly weird psychosomatic symptoms—foot pain, back pain, fingernails falling out, etc., no vitamin deficiencies or anything like that—and because of those symptoms and persistent insomnia, my parents took me to see a series of mental health professionals.) My daily sketches and what-ifs were an effective coping strategy in the fallout from my parents’ vicious divorce, but it was also A LOT of pressure to put on my creativity—a pressure I might still be experiencing here in the present.

The truth is that this is no passive condition; it is an aggressive reaction, a loud shout from the unconscious calling attention to the fact that something is out of adjustment. The block itself is not the problem; it is a signal to adjust the way we approach our work.

I’m not necessarily implying YOU need therapy to “work through” your “block,” but it’s worth looking into. (Also, if you already have a therapist but responded with a sense of longing to what I wrote about mine, it might be time to look for a new one.)

Consider that something else wants to come through.*

(*This is not a poop joke, although joking about poop will probably help with your “blockage.”)

I know a bunch of people in the self-help space have posed the following question, but my favorite source is Campbell Walker (a.k.a. Struthless): “In what respects might this challenging situation be ‘the best thing that ever happened to you’?” I am aware this could be a very callous thing to ask in certain contexts, but “writer’s block” isn’t one of them.

If I had to choose one item on this list that is pretty much one-size-fits-all, this is it. (Also, yes, find a good therapist.) I asked myself, “If I put the time-travel novel in long-term time-out, what other book(s) could I write instead?” My attitude here wasn’t “well, all right, I might as well think about writing something else.” It was

I made space in my head for the unexpected. And what do you know? I got one dynamite idea after another.

Here is a reproduction of a diagram I’ve been adding to periodically as yummy new book concepts occur to me:

Okay, so I am probably not going to write all of these books (“ruthless realism,” remember!) It doesn’t matter. They are all viable book ideas, and I could get started on at least three of them right now. (And in fact, I have! I know this “block” is specific to the time-travel novel because when I switch to another project I find myself back in flow-state within minutes, although the other novel I’m working on right now has a relatively simple plot.)

Funny thing: if we assess my 2023 productivity using the volume of new-project material as our sole metric, I’ve actually been very prolific. With the number of viable book ideas I’ve come up with this year along with the ones I already had simmering on my mental back burners, I have enough to work on for the next fifteen to twenty years. (And I got ANOTHER idea, craft book #4, right after I uploaded the diagram photo!)

(But what if you throw up your hands and yell “HELL YEAH, UNIVERSE!”…and nothing happens?)

…[T]he active internal state Keats called ‘delicious diligent indolence,’ the silence that falls in the house of art while an idea is developing out of sight, down in the basement.

Let’s talk more about scratching. Heather and I passed a very happy few days in Grand Marais in the spring of 2022, where we browsed around an art gallery stocking this greeting card from a local letterpress

Coddiwomple is a marvelous word, isn’t it? I can’t remember if either of us said, “Ooh, look! It’s the Fool!”, but we were definitely thinking it. The Fool is card number zero, the very start of the 22-card journey of the Major Arcana. This is a good card for the enthusiastic beginner, but its message is even more relevant for a person of experience who may need to find their way back into a possibility mindset. How can you travel purposefully if you don’t know where you’re going? If you’re responding to this paradox with a flutter of impatience, your brain may want—no, require—a good deal more space to wander. Put aside all thoughts of plots and schedules and pursue a “side quest” (bake every last cookie recipe out of your grandma’s kitchen file? build a sculpture with materials recovered from the county dump?), or read for pleasure (I suggest The Thirteen Clocks by James Thurber), or write a dirty limerick and text it to everyone in your contacts likely to reply with the laugh-cry emoji. (Or a skull, if you’re a zoomer.) Do something you’ve never done before and see what happens.

(Also, I would be a terrible friend if I did not take this opportunity to mention that Heather has a Tarot for Writers course!)

Take a snack break with some proof pudding.

What most chronically blocked writers lack is the gut faith in themselves that allows these needed intervals of silence to occur.

This is one of the central tenets of the Provisional Confidence course I put out back in 2020: because even if you’re just starting out, you can always look back to some earlier piece of writing and recognize how you have grown in the intervening months or years. (Dig out an essay you wrote as a high-school freshman. If you are a high-school freshman, go back to something you wrote in elementary school.)

Time to explain why I characterized this current round of “block” as 3.5% based in fear: because there have been moments when I’ve thought, Maybe this novel is too ambitious. Maybe I’m not up to the task. Truth is, I wasn’t—and perhaps I’m still not. But the Camille of 2024 or 2025 (or 2030) will be. I know this pinchy spot has a conclusion-point because my experience of those 25+ years promises as much. I am always learning, and therefore I am usually improving. And when all else fails, I remember that nothing lasts.

Take solace in your creative friendships.

The most effective method of self validation is to surround yourself with people who are consistently loving and encouraging—especially when love is candor, like the time Aravinda handed back the first two chapters of my practice novel saying “This is good, and you can do better.” Heather and Erin and McCormick and Henry and Chantal and Deirdre and Seanan have all given me pep talks over the past year. They’ve shared their ups and downs with me too. As my friend Joelle laughed on a catch-up call a few months back: “If you’ve got ‘writer’s block,’ then there’s hope for us all!”

Back when I was still only thinking about writing this time-travel screwball comedy—fall 2015—Joelle invited me to prepare something for a multimedia science-fiction event she and her partner Jim were hosting at a local brewery. Losing my nerve, I said, “Is it all right if I just read from Mary Modern?”

Her response was exactly what I needed to hear: “Nah, I’d rather you read from the time-travel story you were telling me about.” She lovingly pushed me into drafting the first six or seven (very rough) pages, which were warmly received at the reading. It’s these moments I can circle back to whenever I feel like I’ve forgotten how to do this.

Circle back to craft basics and en-JOY reinforcing that foundation.

I have several author friends who teach at the university level, and I greatly admire their ability to extemporize on craft. When I chose a not-so-competitive school for my master’s program, I retained the bandwidth for researching and drafting Mary Modern inside of a school year, but completing that manuscript came at the cost of academic rigor. Looking back, I see how frequently I’ve been flying by the seat of my pants, making decisions without thinking too much about the underlying why. And because I still want to teach on a regular basis someday, I must be able to analyze and chart out my initially-subliminal reasoning for the benefit of my students.

So I decided this pinchy interval was the perfect opportunity to build a sturdier knowledge-base. I’ve spent the past year listening to the excellent (and admirably concise!) Writing Excuses podcast, and I am grateful beyond measure to Heather for recommending A Swim in a Pond in the Rain by George Saunders (a.k.a. Uncle George). I’ve revisited Gail Carriger’s wonderful guide to the Heroine’s Journey, and I have read other craft books by Ursula K. Le Guin and John Gardner and Samuel Delany. I also can’t say enough good things about Stuart Horwitz’s Book Architecture method.

Notice how your needs and priorities are shifting, and make whatever adjustments are appropriate.

You determine your limits by testing them gently but repeatedly, then respecting them—no matter how unlike anybody else’s they are.

The three-plus years I was a member of the Writers’ Room of Boston (late 2013 to mid-2017) were far and away the most productive of my career. Then I moved to Providence, and I got a lot done at the Athenaeum too. I miss both those spaces, and the lovely people I met in each one.

I moved to D.C. in September 2020, and between COVID and living solo for the first time, it never occurred to me to write outside my home. Between late 2020 and mid-2022, I wrote more than 360 pages of the time travel novel. Sounds like I was productive, right?


I live on the ground floor of a very small apartment building. I like to write in the front room—where almost all the houseplants live, since it’s the only sunny room in the place—and I like to keep the blinds up and the windows open as long as it’s warm enough. I like where I live and I enjoy working at home, but sometimes there are interruptions: my across-the-hall neighbor getting locked out, my landlady wanting to talk about maintenance work, the next-door neighbor blasting the radio, a substitute mail carrier asking to be let in, some random canvasser trying to get my attention through the window. They don’t occur every day, but it has happened frequently enough that I realized part of my brain’s been holding back from the work out of an ultimately-futile sense of vigilance. Working in a more private location in the apartment doesn’t relieve the anxiety. I have tried working at the library, but the fear of interruption persists.

So I finally realized I needed a space like the WROB, and joined the D.C. Writers Room in Tenleytown. The office is clean and well organized, and monthly dues are very reasonable given that it is run as a business rather than a co-operative. The DCWR doesn’t have the lived-in, absentminded-professor vibe or community spirit of the WROB, but that’s not what I need, is it? I’ve been reveling in the delicious sense of purpose I feel as I settle into my desk-for-the-day with my notes and a hot cup of tea.

I’m kind of embarrassed that it took me so many months to see that I needed a dedicated writing-space outside the house. That said:

It isn’t a problem if what worked before isn’t working anymore—it’s an invitation to observe and experiment in order to find out what works best for you NOW.

[P]atience, patience in all things, is the most valuable quality a writer can have.

A writer’s working style is idiosyncratic (which is why, as Victoria Nelson points out, emulating the routines of famous authors doesn’t often yield the results we’re hoping for). Process and practices evolve with time and experience, and it is part of the writer’s job to monitor these changes and tweak her approach accordingly. It will take time to monitor these observations, and more time to implement the tweaks. As I laughed to my therapist: “It feels like I’m ‘rebuilding my search indexes.’” [That message appears when I launch Scrivener.]

I recommend Victoria Nelson’s book for every writer (Abebooks link here), but especially those who, like me, find a great deal of (surprisingly practical) insight in Jungian psychology. I love how Nelson’s treatment of conflicting parts of self dovetails with the Internal Family Systems model (which is how I found my current therapist; if you’re not yet familiar, I like Alanis Morissette’s podcast interview with Dick Schwartz for an introduction.) I wish I had found this book before writing Life Without Envy, because the second-to-last chapter on success is as wise as the rest of the book. (Quick side note: I am super excited to use a Solid State gift card from my friend Jason to purchase Nelson’s book The Secret Life of Puppets, because if I appreciate a living author’s work, I buy it new whenever possible. Gotta represent!)

I still don’t believe in writer’s block, which might sound ludicrous given that I have just written or transcribed roughly 4,000 words on the subject. What I do believe in is the reality of whatever is causing the appearance of block. In my case, it’s mostly been a matter of needing more time to teach myself how to write this novel, of reinforcing a sense of trust that I will know how to write it someday. Victoria Nelson calls this particular variety “the silence of incubation.” The pre-birth metaphor feels especially apt by contrast, because a novel is not a baby. It is nonsense to say, “I’ve been working on this for nine months [or however long you’ve got it in your head a novel “should” take to write], therefore it should be DONE!” If this particular incubation period has lasted longer than fifteen years, well…no sense repeatedly banging my forehead against the brick wall of reality.

Speaking of brick walls: when I wrote, “I can catch myself whenever I’m on the verge of trying too hard,” did you wonder about that? I did too. I know it must look like I’ve been trying too hard with this novel. To clarify, it’s the difference between the overwhelming joy I feel when I am connecting to my characters and the trying to convince myself I feel that joy. If this weren’t a full-body YES!-YES!-YES! type of project even on those blindfolded-in-a-bog-of-molasses days, I’d have (rightfully) given up on it long ago.

As writers we do not want to accept that our life in art is not, and will never be, a steady linear progression into the sunlight—that it is actually a series of advances and retreats, stops and starts, unfoldings and closings up.

So that’s my situation. The underlying reason(s) for your (apparent) block could be something else. You’ve heard this before, no doubt, but the way through it necessitates a mixture of gentleness and curiosity, a complete and unconditional acceptance of the present situation (which is what you are ideally doing in any given moment anyway). SURRENDER ANYTHING TO DO WITH A TIMELINE (I’m so sorry, but this applies especially if you are under contract), and devise a simple yet specific list of self-supportive practices and helpful thoughts to think whenever you catch yourself engaging in self recrimination. (Since this post turned out much longer than planned, I’ll save my sample list for next time.) And for goodness’ sake, just put it away for awhile and work on something light, something that feels easy, something you can play with.

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My Patchwork Writing Process

I've been writing novels for more than twenty years now—CAN YOU BELIEVE THAT?—but there is always more to learn about the craft, and more to observe of one's natural inclinations. This is how and why I do what I do. Here are some ways I might fine-tune a particular step in my process—for greater "efficiency," yes, but also for greater enjoyment.

As I listened to the audio modules inside my dear friend Heather Demetrios's new on-demand course, You Have a Process, it occurred to me that while I've spent plenty of time charting out my idea-generation process—on YouTube and inside The Bright Idea Kit—I haven't reflected too much on the actual drafting, which is far and away the most intimidating part from most aspiring writers' point of view. If you'd asked about my first-drafting style before going through You Have a Process, this is what I'd've told you:

I bring piles of handwritten notes to the Scrivener document. I don't write in chronological order. Usually I'll write fifty pages or so and then I'll outline the entire book. At the end of a writing session, I try to have a kernel of a scene to start with the next day—something I'm excited to dictate into Scrivener as I'm watching it play out in my head. Maybe eighty percent of the time I slip into flow within minutes, the other 20% being tooth-pulling days, but I don't get down on myself. Doing yoga, going for a walk, taking a shower, cooking dinner, or working on an easy knitting or sewing project helps with a mild case of creative constipation (because I don't experience "block," per se—not anymore). Whatever isn't quite coming together, the solution generally slides in at an oblique angle (i.e., it has nothing to do with whatever is in front of me, but it shows up because mentally I've cleared the space for it.)

This is all true, but it's not as specific (and therefore as helpful for other writers) as it could be.

From the beginning I understood that many (if not a majority of) writers draft their stories in chronological order, and it didn't seem like a problem that I never felt inclined to write that way. In my initial drafting phase, I sit down to write whichever scenes I feel like. I'm only 30% of the way through my first draft of the time-travel novel, but I've already written a pivotal conversation that happens in the last chapter. At some point as I was listening to my friend's warm and reassuring voice coming out of my bedside speaker, I had the most delicious little a-ha moment:

I draft a novel in much the same way I cut and assemble a piece of patchwork!

It's been a long time since I've blogged about my crafting—I have a baby-quilt show-and-tell post from 2019 still languishing in my drafts—though I have shared more on Instagram in this video on creative cross-pollination and this one on "avocational ambition." (Those are YouTube links, in case you don't have an Instagram account.)

Baby quilt for my cousin Jenni, 2019.

The most basic definition of patchwork is cutting large pieces of fabric (usually quilting cotton) into smaller—sometimes very small—pieces, rearranging and then stitching them into a visually pleasing design. Sometimes it's traditional and perfectly geometric and other times (as in "crazy" or crumb quilting) you're making it up as you go. It's not a perfect analogy, but for me it's an illuminating one: because in both disciplines I generate purposeful fragments—discrete moments of connection or observation or insight, without thinking too much about context or finishing—and after months of working in this fashion, I can arrange those many pieces into a sensible order and add the necessary "sashing" so that each scene continues "seamlessly" (har, har) into the next.

My first curved piecing (2018).

Slowly coming together...

Arranging and adding the sashing.

To mix our metaphors here, what I'm calling "sashing" is what many writing teachers would refer to as "connective tissue." In a particular chapter, I might have 60% of scene A, only a half-finished dialogue from scene B, and a scene C that is more or less complete. Because I have my outline by this stage—my self-drafted pattern, in needlework parlance—I mostly know what more is needed in scene A, how to get the characters to the point that they are having the conversation in scene B, and how to segue into scene C. There are still question marks here and there, particularly where the science (or "science") is concerned, or more historical research is required, but as I proceed from here I have every confidence that I will eventually gather the information I need to fill those lacunae.

In essence, I compose my first draft in two stages: there is the initial draft-whatever-I-please, cutting-up-calico-into-itty-bitty-pieces phase, and then there is the arrangement and assembly/filling-in phase. Both are enjoyable, but the second phase is more consistently so because I already have a large bank of material to work with. It's easier to compose a line that sings—a sentence I can feel proud of—if it's closing out a scene I half-drafted three months earlier.

Amazing, isn't it, how long it's taken me to notice just how process-oriented and low-pressure my natural method of drafting truly is! (And of course now I'm thinking about how I can demonstrate using actual writing samples—that'll eventually be a video inside the Bright Idea Kit. I'll include photos from my crumb-quilting, which is an even tidier analogy!)

[EDIT, November 2023: my Teachable courses are no longer available (I gotta cough up to keep them live, and I don’t have the bandwidth for marketing right now), but I will make it available inside my Resource Library; subscribe to email updates to snag the password.]

Hot water bottle cover for my friend Joelle.

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Camille's Rules of Engagement (or, The Right Way to Ask)

(EDIT, October 2023: I am not accepting any invitations or requests right now because my novel in progress is eating up all my professional bandwidth! When circumstances change, I will update my contact page.)

I often think about how I can be a more useful member of the writing and publishing community. As in many industries, it can be very difficult to "get your foot in the door," and back when I was an aspiring novelist, it seemed to me that established authors could help us newbies a whole lot more than they (seemingly) did. After all, they must've had their share of teachers, mentors, and other benefactors guiding and supporting them back in the day, right?

Well, sure. But if you ask for "a leg up" and don't get a response, that doesn't mean the author in question isn't already helping a lot of other aspiring writers. It's not a matter of gatekeeping or snubbery, but of establishing healthy boundaries. Let's use these tweets as an example:

From my point of view, this person was being incredibly cheeky. It was obvious he hadn't read any of my work, nor had he taken just a few seconds to find my email address on my website. He hadn't even bothered to click the "follow" button. As I joked to my friend (and fellow author) Shveta, this dude was acting like an energetic shoplifter. Naturally, he disappeared as soon as I tweeted a link to my video on finding critique partners—diplomatically asking him to, y'know, do the work.

Many folks have contacted me over the years looking for advice, and sometimes I don't even get a one-line thank-you for my thoughtful response to their writing and publishing questions. Lots of aspiring writers don't read much, don't self reflect, and don't seem to understand the concept of reciprocity and energetic exchange. They just want easy answers. (If you have a creeping suspicion you've acted like one of these writers in the past, read How Do You Know You're Not a "No-Talent Ass Clown"? It will probably make you feel better.)

On the other hand, my friend Steve asked, "Is this writing/publishing etiquette universally acknowledged? Or is it culturally specific? Maybe you should lay out some clear guidelines for anyone who wants to contact you." So here is that post, which I will link to on my contact page. If you think you're worthy of my time and attention, then you must read this post before contacting me (and if it's obvious you haven't read it, then I will not reply).

Clear guidelines for you, and healthy boundaries for me. Everybody wins!

Can I interview you?

If you're emailing about the Bones and All film adaptation: feel free to reach out with an interview request, but please watch the book-to-film playlist first and let me know that you have taken the time to do so. This way we'll have time to go deeper!

Otherwise, I enjoy corresponding with book bloggers and very much appreciate their enthusiasm and support...BUT you have to show me you've actually read the book you're asking about and have done even a small bit of research. If you ask questions in your initial email that make it clear you have not spent even a few minutes browsing my website—for instance, "Why would a vegan write a novel about cannibals?" when I link to an explanatory blog poston the Bones & All book page—I am not going to say yes to a Q&A that requires more time and energy than you yourself have put in. It also frustrates me when bloggers ask for free books and don't follow through with the interview questions, because that seems dishonest (alas, it has happened more than once).

Also, a quick note on social-media etiquette: please DO NOT tag authors in your posts if your review is negative (or even lukewarm). This is callous behavior and at best it comes across as attention seeking. Please treat us like real people with real feelings, okay? 🥺

Can you donate a signed book for my auction fundraiser?

There are lots of worthy causes out there, and if I said yes to each of these requests I'd have no author copies left. So here's a policy that feels good to me (but is subject to change): if you are fundraising for a humanitarian or animal-rights organization, I will most likely say yes.

Can you come visit my class/school/library?

I'd be happy to (via Zoom, at least!), but please iron out the honorarium and other practical details before you send your invitation. This is my livelihood, so I need to be compensated for my time, energy, and experience.

Can I ask you for writing/publishing advice?

Drop your question in the Comet Party Wish Jar. This way I can make a video that will (hopefully) benefit everyone who watches it. If you send me a DM or email I will only refer you to this form, so please save us both some time. [Though I am on social-media/video-production hiatus as of November 2021 in order to finish drafting my new novel, your question will be waiting for me when I come back!]

Also note that I'm much more interested in talking about craft, ego management, and process-oriented creativity than about querying tips, book marketing, and all of that. You can find that sort of content elsewhere. So come to me with the questions your heart is asking (as opposed to your ego). To be clear: if you come to me looking for product-oriented, how-do-I-get-a-book-deal type of advice, I am not going to answer you.

Will you read my work?

This question is one of the prime frustrations of every author's professional life, and I will explain why the answer is virtually always no. Reading and critiquing manuscripts takes an extraordinary amount of time and energy, which is why it's only reasonable to expect them from the following folks:

  1. your professor (who is paid to teach you and review your work)

  2. your workshop classmates (their critique of your manuscript is part of their coursework, and vice versa)

  3. a freelance editor or writing coach (whom you have hired for this purpose)

  4. a critique partner or beta reader (with whom you enter into a reciprocal arrangement)

I know this list must seem frustratingly out of reach to a new writer who hasn't found a community yet and may not have the funds to enroll in a writing workshop, so dive into my round-up of free creative writing 101 resources, reach out to potential critique partners on social media, stay on the lookout for free or low-cost workshops and communities (like my dear friend Heather's Well Writers), and invest in your education as soon as you are able to do so. If you admire my work, are hoping for mentorship, and are willing to put in the time and effort, read How to Work With Me (if You Can't Afford to Work With Me) for a clear step-by-step progression. Please explore the many resources I offer for free (there are even more inside my resource library for email subscribers; opt in here for link and password) before emailing to ask for more of my time and energy.

But I'm willing to pay you to read my work!

I appreciate that, but I'm too busy writing my own novel right now. Thank you for understanding.

I feel REALLY discouraged and I know you can help. Please can we email?

I feel you, I really do. But I have noticed a pattern of frustrated writers bypassing the work I've offered publicly and expecting or at least hoping for more of my time and attention in private, for free—and that's not fair to me. So please read upon the concept of emotional labor (as the term is currently used) before exploring the work I've already done—Life Without Envy, A Bright Clean Mind, the Life Without Envy web workshop, my private-writing workshop (watch the introduction here, part one is free with email opt-in), my office-hours video series)—you're bound to feel heartened again long before you've finished!

Also remember that if funds are tight, you can always ask for my books at your local library.

Can we collaborate?

In my experience, collaborations arise organically out of rich creative friendships. So unless we already know each other well and feel passionate admiration for one another's work, the answer is no.

But you and I are already friends, and I need your help with...

If you are truly my friend, then you will not take offense if I have to say no (even to a "small," "quick" favor) because it's what's best for my mental health.

I have a book coming out. Can I ask you for a blurb?

I'll be happy to read your manuscript (if it's science fiction/fantasy, gothic/horror, historical, and/or literary fiction—middle grade, young adult, or adult; or on the nonfiction side: creativity, personal growth, travelogue, or anything related to ethical veganism) and provide an endorsement if I love it (provided there's enough time before your deadline; if you give me less than two months' lead-time, I will not be able to say yes). I'm particularly glad to boost indie authors, because I know this process is demoralizing enough when you're traditionally published and can make use of your publisher's contacts. Keep in mind, though, that I wouldn't dream of emailing a colleague to ask for a blurb if I hadn't read (and very much enjoyed) at least one of their books. (Also, Bones & All is the odd book out in my body of work, so if that's the only book of mine you're interested in, I'm not going to be as enthusiastic about reading yours. Please don't ask me to read your book if it's about or includes cannibalism.)

To give you an idea of how this relationship-building over time would ideally work: E.F. Schraeder emailed me a couple years ago to tell me how much she appreciated A Bright Clean Mind as a fellow vegan writer; awhile after that, she forwarded me a call for proposals for a conference she figured was very much in my wheelhouse (so thoughtful!); so when she got in touch again more recently to ask if I would read (and hopefully blurb) her novel, my answer was a whole-hearted YES. Again, building these literary acquaintanceships (and eventually friendships) takes time, intention, and integrity, and if you don't actually care about an author's work (see above tweets), you are not going to fool us into believing that you do.

I am truly a fan of your work. Can you recommend me to your literary agent?

Feel free to compare your work to mine in your query letter, but I don't feel comfortable honoring this type of request unless I already know you well. (I'm pretty much an outlier on my agent's list anyhow!) For advice on finding an agent, read author and agent Eric Smith's blog post A Beginner's Guide to Looking Up Literary Agents. (You can read my old but still useful advice here.)

In short:

Oftentimes "the right way to ask" is not to ask at all, because even a "quick," "no-pressure" request is energetically draining for me. The plain truth is that I've written this post so I don't have to feel guilty about not responding to random people asking me for favors.

If you are truly a fan of an author's work, you will respect the boundaries they set around their time and attention. The more we live by those limits, the sooner we'll be able to get another wonderful novel into your hands!

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Creative Writing 101: Free Resources

My best writing advice sounds much like every other author's:

Read a lot—across multiple genres—and reflect on why and how the story "works" (or doesn't!) How, specifically, has the author managed to fashion characters you truly care about and root for? How do they establish a narrative pace that has momentum without feeling rushed? How have they furnished a world that feels fresh and vivid? What elements have they used in developing a plot that offers both surprise and a satisfying sense of inevitability?

Notice how your personal taste is developing, and consider how your reading choices will inevitably influence your own writing—indeed, be deliberate about this! Keep a private notebook. Cultivate your emotional intelligence and self awareness, because your personal growth work will allow you to develop themes that truly resonate and characters who are (in a sense) just as real as nonfictional people.

Be discerning. Even a wise and experienced writing instructor may offer advice that does not apply to your chosen genre/subgenre or style, or is not in alignment with your creative vision. That said, you must cultivate enough humility to know when you're intelligently breaking the rules and when you're just being arrogant. Do not convince yourself of your own genius. You will never "arrive" at a place beyond all error and frustration. Even the most critically successful authors are continually seeking to refine their craft. You're going to feel ecstatic when you write something that seems utterly brilliant and unprecedented, but put the draft away and reread it after the high's worn off, and you'll see how much work you've yet to do. Don't waste energy feeling foolish though—because this is the process. Some days writing and revising will feel hard, and that's okay. Look for ways to take more pleasure in it.

One more note before we get to the resource links:

You don't need an M.F.A. Though depending on the type of program and financial aid available, you may find it worthwhile. I'm glad I decided to do an M.A. in Writing at NUI Galway because 1, I only had to take out $15k in student loans (which I was able to pay back with the sale of my first novel); 2, it gave me the time and space to hone my craft and complete my manuscript (faster than if I'd stayed at my NYC day job); 3, it exposed me to powerful literary influences (Kate O'Brien in particular); and 4, I met some of my dearest writing pals and 16+ years later we're still cheering each other on. Keep in mind, though, that this was MY experience. I can't promise you'll have a worthwhile experience even if you're accepted into the same program.

The following resources are a mix of craft talk and philosophy that I find insightful. Perspective, style, and approach vary quite a bit. Please leave questions or recommendations in the comments for the benefit of other aspiring writers, and I'll periodically update this list with your suggestions. 🤓


The good folks at the Writing Excuses podcast devoted an entire season to learning the craft from square one.

N.K. Jemisin’s master class in world building | The Ezra Klein Show


Ingrid's Notes: How to Teach Yourself Creative Writing, The #1 Piece of Writing Advice I Ever Received, How to Discover Your Heart Theme, 11 Beats of Story Structure, What is Profluence?, and more

Brandon Sanderson: Ten Things I Wish I'd Known as a Teen Author, Five Tips for Writing Your First Novel, and plenty of full-length lectures

Alexa Donne, HARSH WRITING ADVICE! (mostly for newer writers) [snarky but spot on], The WORST Amateur Writing Mistakes, and more

Blog Posts, Articles, PDFs, and Transcripts

The Marginalian (formerly known as Brain Pickings), Timeless Advice on Writing: The Collected Wisdom of Great Writers; James Baldwin on the Creative Process and the Artist’s Responsibility to Society

Heather Demetrios, How to Write a Bingeable Chapter, Sports Psychology for Writers, and everything else on her blog

Matthew Salesses, On Worldbuilding and the Question of Resistance

Nalo Hopkinson and Connie Willis, Science and Spirituality in Science Fiction (transcript of an authors' event at MIT, March 6, 2000)

The Literary Ladies Guide: Octavia Butler's Rules for Writers; Writing Advice from Classic Authors (blog category)

The Best Writing Advice from Colson Whitehead's 60 Minutes Interview on Lit Hub

The Snowflake Method for Designing a Novel (I haven't used this method, but the suggested structure-building exercises are very sensible)


The Writer's Workshop @ TEDEd

Books (ask for these titles at your local library)

Craft in the Real World by Matthew Salesses (doesn't matter if you're not currently participating in a writing workshop)

Writing the Other by Nisi Shawl and Cynthia Ward

The Heroine's Journey by Gail Carriger

Writing Down the Bones by Natalie Goldberg

Creativity and Flow by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi

Bird by Bird by Anne Lamott (I don't love this book as much as I did when I first read it twenty years ago—parts of it haven't aged well—but I still believe it's a must read)

When you're ready: paid workshops that are totally worth the investment

I have taken classes hosted by these organizations and have learned a lot from all of them. Scholarships are sometimes available. If nothing on the current course schedule interests you, sign up for their mailing lists for future workshop announcements.

Writing the Other

Clarion West

[My friend Henry Lien teaches fantastic workshops for both these organizations. Here's his current schedule. Sign up for his newsletter here.]

I also highly recommend my friend Heather Demetrios's classes (Writing Bingeable Characters, etc.) and one-on-one coaching packages. Her self-guided introductory writing course, Unlock Your Novel: A Workbook For Getting Unstuck at Any Drafting Stage, is only $25.

I trust this list will keep you happily occupied for a good while! Check out my archive page for even more resources, and be sure to leave a comment with your own suggestions. ⬇️

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How to Work With Me (if You Can't Afford to Work With Me)

Inspired by Rachael Rice's question,

“Can we imagine the impact of our work beyond those who can afford it?”,

I offer a clear progression as to how any aspiring writer (or other creative person) can benefit from my experience:

  1. Watch the Life Without Envy mini-workshop and read the essays I've posted on Medium (links are on my Archive page.)

  2. If that content resonates for you, sign up for my mailing list so you'll get access to my free resource library. Watch the The Power of Private Writing and do the prompts. Also be sure to check out the Life Without Envy mini-workbook inside the resource library—the success-to-satisfaction paradigm shift is particularly important.

  3. Ask for Life Without Envy and A Bright Clean Mind at your local library. (Depending on the library, some librarians are able to order books that patrons have requested for the collection.)

  4. By now, you probably have at least a few questions percolating. Ask as many of them as you like, and I'll make one or more videos especially for you as part of my office-hours series. [EDIT, January 2024: I am still on YouTube/social media hiatus, but your question will be waiting for me when I come back!]

  5. Watch the video(s) I've made to answer your question(s), and ask any follow-up questions you may have.

At any point in this progression, you can DM me on Instagram or Twitter or send me an email to introduce yourself; I will be very happy to connect with you, I just ask that you respect my time and psychic energy by refraining from asking me to read your manuscript (which is something I don't even do for paid coaching clients before we've established a rapport) or writing emails that require a long private reply (like many folks these days, my email inbox is a source of anxiety for me, so relatively quick messages are the way to go).

As a white woman from a middle-class background who has sometimes been "broke" but will never be "poor," I also ask that my fellow white writers take some time, in general, to reflect on what they truly can and cannot "afford." I want to practice generosity in sharing my experience with everyone, but I am also trying to avoid being taken advantage of (which has happened more than once, alas, and usually with people who could have afforded to compensate me for my time and insight).

Over the next few years, I'm looking to develop a free group mentoring program for aspiring writers from marginalized communities, and if that sounds like something you'd love to be a part of, then get started now! And if you feel so inspired, I'd love it if you shared my free resources with any friends or colleagues who would find them useful. Thank you, and I hope we'll be in touch soon. 🙏💕

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Emotional Hygiene Resources for Writers (and Everyone!)

If the title of this blog post caught your attention, then you probably already understand that your emotional wellbeing is the bedrock of your creative practice. Not only are you not capable of your best work while you're in "hot-mess" mode, your unexamined, unmanaged emotions may very well be creating a more stressful environment for your loved ones, friends, and colleagues. I've been the daughter, sister, friend, and girlfriend foisting her toxic storm of feelings onto her loved ones, and it's high time I shared what I've learned about emotional hygiene since Life Without Envy came out in 2016.

More recently (in May 2019) I made a video as part of a Life Without Envy web workshop on YouTube, and the recommendations in that video are still good. I've gone deeper into my private writing practice since then, though, and I have one daily prompt to share that will hopefully be as big a game-changer for you as it has been for me (it's at the end of this post).

Quick disclaimer: I am not a mental health professional, merely a fellow artist committed to taking responsibility for her emotional wellbeing and developing her emotional intelligence.

More on YouTube

Guy Winch’s TEDx talk, Why we all need to practice emotional first aid

Dr. Abdul Saad's Self-Transformation Series [I really appreciate his pleasantly neutral presence and delivery—it makes the concepts he's sharing much easier to grasp]

Clean vs. Dirty Pain and other videos from Therapy in a Nutshell [this channel is very helpful, just beware there's occasional religiosity]

How to Feel Peace Even with Challenges, Leslie Huddart

What can I give?, Taking responsibility for our own happiness, and other videos from Ralph de la Rosa

My favorite yoga teachers on YouTube: Koya Webb (highly recommend Yoga for Anxiety and Stress Relief), Kino MacGregor, Yoga with Adriene, Erica Rascon

Read on the web

An excerpt from Eckhart Tolle’s The Power of Now

7 Ways to Practice Emotional First Aid [also Guy Winch]

Byron Katie [There are free downloadable worksheets on her site, though you don't necessarily need to fill them out; for me the key takeaway is to ask after every judgmental or otherwise negative thought you have, "Is that true?" Because it's usually not.]

Heather Demetrios, Halting Your Thought Traffic and Hold Your Seat [+ her whole blog!]


[Full disclosure: I'm using affiliate links.]

Eckhart Tolle, The Power of Now and A New Earth

Guy Winch, Emotional First Aid [I recorded an excerpt here]

Joe Dispenza's Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself

Pema Chödrön's Comfortable With Uncertainty

Trevor Blake's Three Simple Steps

Dr. Eric Maisel's Coaching the Artist Within and Mastering Creative Anxiety

Lauren Sapala's The INFJ Revolution [I'm an INFP and I still felt like Lauren was reading my soul!]

And the daily practice that has helped me most:

Since last spring, the first thing I do each day (after going to the bathroom and brewing coffee) is to write down how I'm feeling and why—and if I don't know why, I keep writing until I have some semblance of an answer. And if I find myself feeling grumpy or frustrated during the day, I pause whatever I'm doing, go back to my journal, and ask the two questions again:

  • What am I feeling right now?

  • Why am I feeling it?

I didn't really learn this from anyone, it just occurred to me one day that it would be beneficial to articulate my emotions in real time, and I noticed soon afterward that I was much less reactive. I'm also much more patient with myself and others—there have been several occasions over these past eight months when I paused and thought, Before, I would have snapped. Owing to a few unfortunate episodes in my early childhood (flagged "TMI" in the context of this post), my "pain body" is activated when I feel invisible in social situations, so (for me, at least) it's the "self witnessing," "self validating" aspect of the exercise that has resulted in this shift. I articulate my emotions without attaching a sense of "rightness" to them, remaining as lovingly neutral as it is possible for me to be in that particular moment.

I hope at least one of these resources offers you some relief from the COVID pressure cooker (in addition to all the "usual" stresses of life). I'll add to this list whenever I encounter more helpful content. If you have any favorite books or links to share, I would be grateful if you left a comment. [And a big shout-out to Rachel for inspiring this post!]

Sign up for more where this came from

My new opt-in goodie is a concise 35-minute private writing workshop video + workbook. (How is "private writing" different from journaling? Watch this.) If you found this post helpful and want more, sign up for my list and you'll receive the link in your welcome email.

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Comet Party Summer School: the Vision Statement

What are the two most powerful words in this or any language?

I am.

I’ve been thinking about this ever since Jill Louise Busby dropped me a DM after reading Life Without Envy. Thank you for being a vessel, she wrote.

I am a vessel, I thought. I said it out loud. And the more I said it, the righter it felt.

In the beginning, I only wanted to tell stories. I wanted to be clever and I wanted to be recognized for my cleverness. The other day I cracked a journal I kept in 2007, scanned one entry, and felt a sweet surge of relief that I am not that person anymore. (This is why I keep my notebooks.)

The evolution out of a desire to prove oneself into a desire to contribute is the central tenet of Life Without Envy, and for me that first twinkling happened in the summer and early autumn of 2010 when I volunteered on my friends’ homestead farm in Vermont. I have never been quite so content as I was those days I spent planting and weeding and watering, sleeping in a platform tent, rising before six to watch the sun coming up over the treeline as the fog withdrew from the rolling meadow before me. Best of all were the people: Gail and Paul and their neighbors, their daughters, and my fellow volunteers. That summer we all felt like Gail and Paul’s brood. Nature + making myself useful + community as close as family, that’s all I need to be happy.

The meadow at Harmony Homestead Farm.

My experiences at Sadhana Forest and Squam Art Workshops the following year brought the new desire into focus: more nature, more community, plus ethical veganism, art, and handicrafts. At Sadhana Forest I helped with meal planning and prep for something like 35 to 45 people, and I became my grandmother’s granddaughter (more fully than ever before) even though the cuisine couldn’t have been more different than the lasagnas and salmon loaf of my childhood: food is one of my love languages. It’s how I love my family and friends, it’s how I love myself, and it’s how I express care and concern for people I don’t know all that well yet. And I loved the feeling of being at sleep-away camp and making beautiful things alongside new friends who had also come to make beautiful things and bask in the tranquility of Squam Lake.

I thought of how one of my grade-school friends had gone to music camp every summer; I remembered the name of the organization, so I Googled it, curious as to how much it cost. Well, I don’t know how much it was back in 1995, but in 2013 it was $8,000 for a six-week program. I started to think, wouldn’t it be great if kids (whose parents could never afford a typical sleep-away camp) could have an experience like Squam? And what about kids who didn’t have parents to come home to?

I’ve been to Squam many times now—as student, teacher, and staff—and each time it bothered me how white and upper-middle-class we were as a group. More recently, Elizabeth has done a wonderful job of highlighting and supporting the work of artists, artisans, and teachers of color, but the economic inequities remain; I’m sure many knitters would love to spend four days taking classes at a lakeside cabin but will likely never have that $1,400 to spare.

On one trip I stopped at the general store in Holderness and found a rack of greeting cards with quotes attributed to Rumi: “Live your life as if the universe is rigged in your favor…because it is.” I had a flashback to a church my family and I visited above Lake Kivu in Rwanda, where 11,000 people were murdered during the genocide. Slavery, lynchings, civilian casualties. I felt this fury any time somebody brought up the Law of Attraction. The universe is rigged in your favor: this was a message appropriated by and intended solely for privileged white women like me.

I met Rachael Rice at Squam in 2014, and I referenced her excellent blog post in Email Marketing and "Authenticity," but the message is too important not to share again here:

“Can we imagine the impact of our work beyond those who can afford it?”

Nowadays the summer camp in my mind is primarily for grownups—at least to start with—purely for logistical reasons. During quiet afternoons at the Providence Athenaeum I would dream of a library in the forest with cozy carrels where writers of all stripes and sensibilities could focus on their manuscripts. Everyone would see themselves represented on the shelves in this library. Attendees who could afford to pay for their retreat-time would subsidize those who could not; or maybe it would be a pay-what-you-can model? Filling vegan lunches packed with care, just like the ones that fueled the Bones & All revision at Hawthornden. Childcare. Hammocks and more hammocks, hammocks everywhere, and a home-sewn quilt on every bed. Writing workshops, painting and drumming workshops, workshops on foraging and herbalism and anything else people want to learn about. Safe spaces for members of marginalized communities to come together (“safe” meaning that every soul in the place understands why “no white people in this room for the next two hours” is not racist). A food forest. A swimming pool. Campfires and jam sessions. Tiny houses, perhaps—though after reading Sunaura Taylor’s wonderful book Beasts of Burden, these spaces I was dreaming of became ADA-compliant. And because white saviorism is something else I’ve been thinking about a lot, I saw myself asking, What do you actually want and need? How can I help make it happen and then leave you to use and enjoy it?

Every day—up until just a few months ago—I’d been asking myself, how the heck am I going to get from here—making next to no money off my writing at the moment, without much saved—to there, that pretty plot of acres with architectural blueprints in hand? 

I’m not sure what’s shifted, exactly, I just know that I don’t need a bridge, I AM the bridge. I’ll bring this retreat into being one plank at a time. The workshops? I can make those happen now. That’s why I wanted to publish this post on the day I launch The Bright Idea Kit and finally hang my shingle as a writing coach. The course is a $200 investment and coaching is $100 an hour, perhaps a tad ironic given the vision I’ve just shared with you, but I’ve poured all of my twenty years of experience into this class and I’m feeling confident that it’s going to catalyze a lot of creative awakenings. In terms of walking my talk, I am making myself informally available for aspiring writers who can use the mentorship, and I’ll allot more bandwidth (creating an actual program, perhaps?) as I get myself sorted financially. I'll also be hosting free workshops starting later on in 2021 (first up: the power and potential of private writing!)

I see myself—white hair, liver-spotted hands—working away in one of those carrels. I am a writer. But my greater work for this lifetime is to “take up space” by holding space for others, to create a warm, welcoming retreat and inhabit it for the rest of my life without ever claiming it as mine.

If you’d like to be a part of this community (virtually for now and eventually IRL), you can join my mailing list to watch it all unfold and participate as much as you feel like. Thank you for reading this, and I wish you a healthy, joyful, and fulfilling 2021! ✨

EDIT: Adding the link to Be Seen Project founder Mindy Tsonas Choi's relevant and insightful piece from March 2021, "The Cost of Selling Belonging."

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Provisional Confidence is LIVE!

My first online course, Provisional Confidence for Writers, is now live on Teachable! I explain the genesis in this three-minute YouTube video. A few notes on this and future offerings:

  • There will be more where this came from—the Bright Idea Kit, which is a more in-depth course on generating "original" ideas—and you can check out the workbook preview (inside my new resource library) by signing up for my newsletter.

  • "Too much useful content" is a splendid problem to have, but I don't want to contribute to anyone's feeling of overwhelm. Every course or webinar I put together will be something that feels necessary—something my readers have asked for. (Comment on this post if you have a request!)

  • I'm working on making my course materials as accessible as possible: accurate closed-captioning, transcripts in a sans serif font, etc. (I did use a serif font in my worksheets, but I'll be using sans serif from now on—once I've finished The Bright Idea Kit I'll circle back and re-design the Provisional Confidence worksheets.)

  • I will not show up in your inbox every day for a week because consumer psychology dictates that you will be more likely to purchase the course (it annoys the snot out of me when people do this!) I sent out an email announcement, I will do at least one Instagram promotion, and then (as usual) I'll be on to the next thing.

Here are the three goals I set for 2020:

  1. Put out my first online course (because I have been talking about this for at least three years. IT'S TIME!)

  2. Write 200 messy pages of the new [time-travel!] novel.

  3. Publish a manifesta envisioning the retreat center I intend to create (hence the name "Comet Party Summer School").

At first I figured I'd publish Provisional Confidence and get back to novel-writing, saving the Bright Idea Kit for 2021, but I think I can put out a second course and get that messy first section of the manuscript drafted. Let's see if I can deliver on the Bright Idea Kit in time for Preptober and bang out my pages during NaNoWriMo (that's "National Novel-Writing Month" for the uninitiated, "Preptober" being the outlining and such that happens during the month of October).Oh, and did I mention the online seminar I'm developing for all the vegans who've told me that A Bright Clean Mind isn't for them because they're "not creative"?! Somehow this will all get done in between working the best day job I have ever had!Big love to my friends Neil Kramer, Nova Ren Suma, Dr. Giavanni Washington, Elizabeth Duvivier, Heather Demetrios, Rebecca Mahoney, Chantal Schreiber, McCormick Templeman, Joelle Renstrom, Jason Atkins, Erin Callahan, and Steve Saranga for inspiring me to get this thing DONE and out into the world! 💕💕

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A Bright Clean Mind Corrections and Clarifications (Please Comment Below!)

My new book on veganism and creativity will be out in the world very shortly, and as I line up promotional whatnots I've been thinking a lot about something author Maya Gottfried said in our conversation that appears on pages 226-229:

Even as vegans we’re not perfect—a book we write that’s totally vegan may not be reflective of other values we develop in the future, and it’s always going to be that way. We just have to acknowledge that things have changed and move on from there.

I have made mistakes in this book—I have no doubt of it!—but at a certain point a writer has to know when to let go. I'm publishing this post to acknowledge the issues I've already spotted (and will add to this as needed), and also to create a space for readers to articulate any questions or concerns they may have. If you have any constructive feedback to offer, I prefer that you offer it here, publicly, so that other readers can benefit from your perspective and reply with any reactions you may inspire. (Please note that I will not approve or respond to any anti-vegan defensiveness, no matter how subtly you manage to articulate your hostility. Arguing with you is not a productive use of my time.) Thank you in advance for your input!

Future "transparency reports" will serve a different function: reporting the amounts I've been able to donate to animal rights and vegan social/food justice organizations (20% total from each royalty check, a different charity or charities each time).

[Update, Fall 2022: unfortunately I still don't have any earnings to report, but I remain optimistic that this book will eventually find a broader audience!]

If you've arrived at this page because I have referenced your work in A Bright Clean Mind—whether you are vegan or "future-vegan"—I would be glad to send you a copy. Email me with your address.

Now on to the corrections and clarifications:

A Note on the Illustrations

I am not happy with the print quality—it does not do right by the artists—but there is nothing I can do about this beyond requiring a QC safeguard in all future publishing contracts for illustrated books.

Recalibrating Your Language

I ought to have included the singular “they” in this callout. My apologies for the cisgender brain blip!

FOMO or Faux Moo?

After I turned in the manuscript I found out that according to the Food Empowerment Project, FoMu does not use Fair-Trade chocolate. (If you click here you’ll see them listed under “Cannot recommend but at least responded”). I decided not to cut the chapter because I believe the message outweighs my embarrassing hypocrisy. I emailed the owners to ask for an explanation, but they never replied.

To Learn Something is to Lose Something

I am disgusted by J.K. Rowling's transphobia and will be rewriting this chapter in the event of a revised edition.

Jane O'Hara

When you check out Jane O'Hara's Sacrifice on page 109 (click here to see it properly), do note that her Instagram handle is now @janeoharaprojects.

Where's Wilbur?

It didn't make sense to mention this within the chapter (it would fall under "TMI" even as a postscript), but I would like to clarify that after I wrote it Chrissy and I decided we'd both be happier not being friends, and as a result I am no longer volunteering at either Maple Farm Sanctuary or Unity Sanctuary. To the best of my recollection I volunteered four or five times total, which isn't much, I know, but I hope to volunteer again at these or other farm animal sanctuaries when I eventually have my own car (getting there by public transportation just isn’t realistic, alas).

"Vegan for the Future"

I'm embarrassed to have drawn upon Shaw's exploration of Nietzsche's Übermensch without acknowledging the eugenics connection. This failure is inexcusable, and of all the items on this list it's the revision I'm most anxious to make.

Also, my friend Steve tells me "vegan for the future" does not make sense given the animal-centered definition of veganism, but I don't see why I can't be "vegan for the future" as long as I am also for animal rights. (Otherwise, yes, one would be eating a plant-based diet as "an environmentalist for the future.")

The Back Cover

Especially-careful readers will note that sixteen vegan artists have been interviewed in this book, not fifteen. We caught the error too late not to delay printing, but it will be corrected in the event of a reprint.

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Alec's Favorite Vegan Recipes

Readers of The Boy From Tomorrow will notice that Alec and his mother are newly vegan—as Mrs. Frost says, "if you have to make two major life changes, you may as well make three." So here's a recipe round-up! Some dishes are mentioned in the novel, and others are just recipes I imagine Alec and Danny would enjoy as much as I do.

Weekend Breakfast

Pumpkin pie pancakes from Robin Robertson's Vegan Planet

Fruit salad: banana, pineapple, mango, strawberries, blueberries, with whipped coconut cream (GF)

Chickpea-Flour Omelette (with tomato and red onion) with tempeh bacon and hash brown haystacks (GF)

Weekday Lunch

On a sandwich: "chuna" salad, tofu "egg" salad, peanut or almond butter and fig jam, or Tofurky deli slices with lettuce and tomato (to make GF, omit deli slices and use gluten-free bread)

Carrots with hummus; a banana or apple; and a leftover cookie! (see below) (GF)


Tater-tot casserole (it's healthier than it sounds, especially with a side salad) (GF)

Pizza from scratch (with marinara, caramelized onions, pre-sauteéd mini-bella mushrooms and broccoli rabe, and tofu ricotta)

Macaroni 'n cheese (add peas, chopped tomatoes, and/or broccoli to make it healthier) (to make GF, use gluten-free pasta and breadcrumbs)

Classic chili with cashew sour cream and cornbread (GF if using gluten-free flour in the cornbread)


Spicy Roasted Chickpeas(GF)

Baba ganoush with pita chips (dip is GF)

Banana-peanut butter smoothie: frozen over-ripe bananas, peanut butter, cinnamon, vanilla powder, almond milk (GF)


Pumpkin Chai Snickerdoodles

Lavender-chocolate cupcakes (using maple syrup instead of honey) (GF)

Chocolate Cake to Live For

Sticky Toffee Pudding

Gingerbread People (GF)

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Mrs. Frost's Veggie Chili

Does the Internet need another recipe for veggie chili? NOPE! But I’m planning a kid-friendly vegan recipe round-up as part of my resources for The Boy From Tomorrow, and I figured it would be better to tell you exactly how I make it rather than linking to some recipe I’ve never actually tried. This chili is as minimalist as I can make it, mild while still flavorful; I don’t use a spice mix, just chili powder and cumin with a pinch of cayenne. It’s basically the chili of my childhood with soy crumbles instead of ground beef, and in this version, there’s enough salt in the (store-bought) veggie broth that you don’t have to add any. If you’re skipping the soy crumbles, add another tin of beans or a cup of green lentils (which will require extra water).

Serve with Gena Hamshaw’s no-fuss cornbread recipe. Simple cashew sour cream recipe to follow.

Vegan Chili

2 tbsp. olive oil

1 tbsp. minced garlic

2 onions, diced

1 ½ tsp. chili pepper (or to taste)

2 tsp. ground cumin (or to taste)

pinch (or more) cayenne pepper

2 large potatoes, diced

4 cups veggie broth

2 bell peppers, diced

2 15.5-oz. cans of beans (black and kidney, but any kind will do)

1 large can (28 oz.) of crushed tomatoes

1 6-oz. can tomato paste

1 package soy mince crumbles (I use Light Life)

Sauté garlic and onions in olive oil until translucent, adding spices and stirring well. Add chopped potatoes and continue cooking. When potatoes have softened, add the veggie broth followed by the rest of the ingredients, and simmer for a good while. The more times you reheat the pot, the tastier the chili will be! Serves 8-10.

Cashew Sour Cream

This recipe is tweaked from DIY Vegan by Nicole Axworthy and Lisa Pitman (they offer the garlic and mustard as a suggestion for extra zing, but I say these ingredients are essential; add even more if you want!)

1 ½ cups raw cashew pieces, soaked in hot water (the longer they soak, the less you’ll need to process them)

2 tbsp. lemon juice

2 tsp. apple cider vinegar

1 tbsp. minced garlic

1 tbsp. mustard

½ tsp. salt

Drain soaked cashews, preserving ½ cup of the liquid, and blend well, adding remaining ingredients. Chill in the fridge for at least an hour to let the “cream” firm up, and the flavors mingle. Yields a full pint jar and is also delicious on baked potatoes. 

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Compassionate Creativity Beta Coaching FAQ

When I announced that I'd be offering a creativity coaching beta program early next year, several lovely people replied to communicate their interest. I'm going to keep this group small so I can give you more bandwidth, and so that you guys can actively learn from and inspire each other. Here's what you can expect from this six-week program beginning Monday, January 8th:

  • weekly presentations followed by Q&A and informal group discussion (75-90 minutes total; if you can't attend live, you can watch the replay any time)

  • fun assignments to integrate each module, usually a combination of journaling exercises, worksheets, and trying something new (in or outside the kitchen)

  • Recipe roundups based on you and your family's preferences and needs, meal planning resources, and personalized suggested reading lists

  • a private Facebook group to make it easy to share questions, experiences, and resources with your cohort

Now it's time to tell you "the catch"—it's the awesomest catch ever, though. In order to participate in this six-week program, I'll ask you to commit to a vegan diet (or as close to it as you possibly can) for the duration. I experienced the most amazing boost in productivity that has continued uninterrupted since the day I went vegan (going on seven years ago), so I can tell you that adopting a more compassionate diet will enhance your creative output and outlook big time.

Got questions?

What does my diet have to do with my creativity?

Apply to the program and find out! Seriously, though, I'll explain this in my first presentation. In the meantime, read this post and watch this video of slam poet Saul Williams explaining why he required his students at Stanford to eat vegetarian for the semester. 

I'm really interested in trying out a plant-based diet, but what happens if I cave and eat a slice of my mother's meatloaf? Will you kick me out of the program?

I will not. Let me tell you about my friend Teri, who set a goal of eating vegan during the week we spent at Rockywold-Deephaven Camps on Squam Lake in New Hampshire, eating three meals a day in the dining hall. At one point she articulated that she was so tempted by the macaroons on the dessert table (which were made with egg whites) she didn't think she'd be able to resist, and I said, "If it's between eating the macaroon, feeling guilty, then going back to eating meat and dairy, and eating the macaroon and returning to eating vegan at breakfast tomorrow, then go for option #2." I haven't felt a single craving for non-vegan food since I stopped eating eggs and dairy almost seven years ago, but I do understand that for many people, "weaning" oneself off animal products is the more sustainable method. I simply ask that you make a good-faith effort. I'll provide you with all the resources and support you need (unless you need official nutritional or medical advice, which I am not qualified to give you, though I can refer you to someone who is.)

Can't I just try Meatless Mondays, to start with?

I totally acknowledge that going vegan won't be as seamless a transition for everyone as it was for me. That said, it is much too easy to bolster our current habits and worldview with a framework of self-reinforcing excuses. I'm looking for a six-week good-faith commitment from you. If you embarked on a new relationship, you probably wouldn't say, "but I can date other people while you're at your bowling league on Wednesday nights, right?" If you started an exercise regimen, you wouldn't work out once or twice a week and sit on the sofa eating junk food all the other nights, would you?

If you're feeling more stressed than excited at the prospect of going plant based, then it's probably safe to say you're not ready for this. Don't worry, I will offer some version of this program again, and in the meantime, remember that every resource you could ever need is literally at your fingertips. Google "vegan 101" or "easy vegan recipes." When you throw up your hands and say "this is just too complicated," notice how you are buying into one of the narratives of mainstream carnist culture. The livestock, dairy, and pharmaceutical industries profit from you eating the same foods you always have.

This program sounds like a lot of work for you. Why is it free?

I received a vegan lifestyle coach certification back in 2013, but for the past four-plus years I've been focused on book projects. Now I'm finally ready to move into this new phase of my professional life! By participating in this beta program, you're helping me hone my content for future (paid) programs as well as a book I'm writing about veganism and creativity. Some testimonials will be nice to have, too!

I'm already vegan. Can I still participate? Yes! While this program is geared toward making veganism feel do-able for (current) omnivores by exploring the creative benefits of compassionate eating, it'll still be helpful for current vegans in terms of moving through creative blocks, creating a solid foundation for a new artistic practice, or adding another dimension to your animal-rights advocacy work. And your knowledge and insight will prove invaluable to everyone else in the program.

Want in? Look for the application link in the email update I'll be sending on Monday morning (December 11th).

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Email Marketing and "Authenticity"

The notion of marketing myself and my work really squicks me out. I regularly entertain fantasies of reverting to my dumbphone, dismantling my website, and living in a cabin in the woods with a kitchen garden and a 19th-century water pump. No more social media. If you find my work, great; if not, oh well, it wasn't meant to be. I don't need to be a bestselling author, somebody with "clout"—it only matters that I'm using what I've been given in a way that feels authentic....Right?

This mindset is problematic for several reasons. First, of course, it espouses a sort of reverse-snobbery, as if every person making a living using social media has had to "sell out" for the privilege of working at home in their pajamas whenever they feel like it. Sure, lots of people have sold out. But there are also plenty of people who are using new platforms and technologies to share a useful and inspiring message, and we discount their efforts when we point only to those who are using manipulative marketing techniques to sell and up-sell their coaching packages, online courses, et cetera.

Secondly, it is very possible to skip out on undertaking one's Scary-Big Work under the guise of humility. That is essentially what I am doing when I say I don't want to collect anybody's email addresses, I don't want to network, I don't want to promote or sell something people don't want or need. Not only am I "playing small," but I am preemptively dropping out on those who could actually benefit from my experience and insight—and that includes people who haven't been born yet.

I can talk about not hiding my light under a bushel, but I'm only one of many people I poop out on when I engage in cowardice-masquerading-as-modesty. This is not the same kind of pretension you see in Facebook and Instagram ads in which entrepreneurs brag about making a six- or seven-figure income online—creating an enviable persona to get people to sign up in hopes of getting what they think you've got—but it is a pretension nonetheless.

So enough of all that. I'm giving myself permission to state my desires, loud and clear:

I want to inspire people to grow into the most fulfilled, most vibrant, most loving versions of themselves.

I want to help my students expand their capabilities: their literacy, their creativity, their compassion for all creatures.

I want to cultivate joy in the hearts of everyone I meet, in person and online.

And yes, I want to make a comfortable* living doing it—every cent exceeding "comfortable" funneled directly into hands-on philanthropic projects. As artist and creative consultant Rachael Rice writes, "Can we imagine the impact of our work beyond those who can afford it?"**

That is my dream. And to live my way into it, I'll need to use the Internet with integrity (which I already know how to do!) and without false humility (which I shall continue to work on!) So—gulp!—I've started an email list. To sign up, just click here (although there is also a neat little link at the tippy-top left corner of this page). I'll send you updates roughly once a month—with new-book news, of course, but also scrummy vegan recipes and practical advice on rejuvenating your creativity. Over time there will be an expanding emphasis on social, animal, and environmental justice projects—and if that sounds heavy, well, you can choose not to look at it that way. I believe that everything we do in this life, we must do for one (or ideally both) of the following reasons:

  1. To be happy [provided it's not at someone else's expense; eating bacon most definitely does not qualify.]

  2. To grow into ever-more-loving versions of ourselves [see above!]***

To clarify, this isn't the same as subscribing to blog updates (but thank you very much for signing up for those!) Newsletter content is pretty fresh, meaning that you won't find much of it elsewhere on Comet Party. I won't be reposting the recipes I share in my emails, though some of them will appear in books (!!) later on. Even more exciting, next year when I start taking on beta coaching clients (probably five max), it's the list I'll be looking to—because if I'm going to work with someone for free in exchange for critical feedback (and hopefully a testimonial), those five have to be people who already appreciate and support my work! (And you'll hear all about the aforementioned philanthropic projects when the time is right.)

Thanks so much for reading this, everyone, and big love to my brilliant friends Dr. Giavanni Washington and Joelle Renstrom for helping me through this evolution (and to Elizabeth Johnston for lighting a fire under my desk chair).

Thanks to @evanleahquinn, I now have a not-obnoxious newsletter signup! Lots of good things cooking, my friends.! #vegan #vegansofig #amwriting #writing #reading #travel #crafting

A post shared by Camille DeAngelis (@cometparty) on Aug 25, 2017 at 4:30pm PDT

* I define "comfortable" as enough to cover basic living expenses, occasional domestic and (backpacker-style) international travel for work and adventure, and regular contributions to a retirement fund (not that I see myself retiring EVER, but you never know what might happen in the future. Gotta be prepared!)

** I had my ideas (and some very rough plans) in place years before reading that blog post—inspired by my experiences in India and Vermont and at Yaddo and Hawthornden—but Rachael distills my motivations more directly than I have yet been brave enough to do.

*** After writing out these two basic reasons-for-living, it occurred to me that I have simply reformulated the Golden Rule. Yessssssss!

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