What's News

Here's another quickie post—I've thrown myself into NaNoWriMo, so I won't be blogging again regularly for at least another month!  

There is now a Youtube channel (with a million thanks to my friend M.A. Barrett for putting together such beautiful videos!) I'm planning to sit down in the next week or two and get a bunch more recorded. Like I said, this is going to be sort of like my video series from 2012, only much shorter—2-3 minutes long, and more generally creative. I'd love to hear your requests for future video topics! 

Things I have written lately:

Why Success is a Crock (and What to Aim for Instead) on Medium

Bile and Begrudgery: How to Break Free of Your Own Bullshit on Medium

Creating a Life Without Envy (inspired by Hindu concepts of Oneness and Devotion) on Dead Darlings 

Things that have been written lately about Life Without Envy:

Local Author offers 'Ego Management for Creative People', Philly Voice

"A Most Savage Plague": A Brief Encounter with Literary Envy, Kate Gilbert on Readers Unbound

Novelist Claire Hennessy transforms envy into pure admiration on Girls Heart Books

Podcast interviews:

Morning on the Dock #52 with my friend Elizabeth Duvivier of Squam Art Workshops

Tranquility du Jour #381: Life Without Envy with Kimberly Wilson 

Another exciting thing:

I took a six-week illustration class at RISD and now I've committed to drawing (or just doodling—no pressure) every day for the next year. 

First page of my new #sketchbook! #art #drawing #micron #watercolor #watercolorpencil #flowers #sketching

A photo posted by Camille DeAngelis (@cometparty) on Nov 5, 2016 at 1:14pm PDT

Thank you to everyone who's come out to my events over the past month-and-change, thank you for buying the book, and thank you for reading! 


Vegan Onion Pie


Pub Day!