Pub Day!

Happy birthday to my beautiful Mumsy! It's pub day, too, which is very fitting. What good I do is all thanks to her. #lifewithoutenvy #bookstagram #books #creativity #personalgrowth #ego #mother #motherdaughter

A photo posted by Camille DeAngelis (@cometparty) on Sep 27, 2016 at 5:54am PDT

Pub day sneaks up on me every time. I'm running around this week getting ready for the launch at Tres Gatos this weekend (special shout-out to Kelly B. for coming all the way from the state of Georgia!), but at some point I'm hoping to settle down to a bit of travel blogging. In the meantime, here are a few LWE-related links:

6 Ways to Manage Your Ego on Quick and Dirty Tips

Here's to Joy: 7 of the Best Books on Happiness on Signature Reads (thank you, Toby!)

Why Success is a Crock (and What to Aim for Instead) on Medium

Let me also draw your attention to my just-updated news and events page [UPDATE, 2024: unpublished since COVID, it’ll be back someday!], with the full details on my New York City event at the end of October, and huge thanks to Scott Korb for making this happen. I can't wait.

Thanks for your support, everyone—as always! 


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